First, you need to know that erectile dysfunction is also called impotence. Erectile dysfunction meaning is when you are unable to keep your erection long enough and strong enough for you to be able to have s e x. An excellent question to ask is, how can you understand you have erectile dysfunction? You may find this hard to believe, but this difficulty is on the rise all over the world today. More and more men seem to be facing this very serious issue, and it drives them mad as they are not able to have sex because of this condition. Who Gets ED? Sexual dysfunction and ED become more common as you get older. Only about 5% of men age 40 have it. But the number grows to 15% of men age 70. Mild and moderate erectile dysfunction concerns around one in 10 adult males will suffer from ED on a long-term base. This doesn’t mean growing older is the end of your sex life. Experts can treat ED, no matter your age. Age isn’t the only cause. Type 2 diabetes, obesity, smoking,...