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What Is Erectile Dysfunction? Are You A Sufferer?

Erectile dysfunction meaning is that if you find that you are unable to get an erection all the time or even if you do, you are unable to keep it up long enough to have sex, if so, you are already more than halfway through to knowing the results to what is erectile dysfunction and are you a sufferer? This ailment is also known as ED or impotence.

How Do You Know If You Are Suffering From Erectile Dysfunction?

There are many ways in which you can come to know that you suffer from impotence, and you will come to know of them when you see the erectile dysfunction symptoms such as:
  • You do not get an erection.
  • You do get an erection, but it does not stay long enough for you to be able to have sex.
  • You lack a desire to indulge in sexual activities.
  • You ejaculate prematurely.

How Can You Get Help To Deal With ED?

Impotence is not something that you should keep to yourself. In doing so, you would only be ruining your life more than it already is. If you know you have ED or even if you have doubts that you do, you should immediately go and consult a doctor. Of course, most men find telling a doctor about this issue to be extremely embarrassing.

This treatment for male impotency can be obtained right here in the form of the drug known as Vidalista, which is available in low doses and also high dosages like Vidalista 60, acts by increasing the blood flow to the penis, giving you not only a very hard erection, but one that will last longer, letting you enjoy very satisfying s e x.

What Is The Erectile Dysfunction Cause?

If you begin to notice that you are impotent, you would definitely be asking yourself this question, what is the cause of impotency? The truth is that there is not just one reason for this. Different men suffer from impotence for various reasons. Here are some of the main causes of erectile dysfunction: hypertension, an increase in age, usage of drugs, cardiovascular disease, anxiety, smoking, diabetes, relationship problems, hyperlipidemia, stress, alcoholism, obesity, and injuries.

It is very vital for you to understand that impotency can arise due to one or many of the factors stated above. This is why, when you feel you are suffering from ED, it is essential that you see a doctor, as only a doctor would be able to diagnose what is the real cause of your impotence, rule out what is not the cause and give you the right erectile dysfunction medicine.

Do an Erectile Dysfunction Test

There are many tests which you can do, to confirm whether or not you suffer from impotence. Some of these tests are:
  • Laboratory testing: A urine sample test or various blood tests can be done.
  • Physical examination: This would include a thorough physical examination.
  • Questionnaires: These are used by certain health care experts to enable them to determine your problems that could be associated with you being impotent.
  • Advanced ED Testing: Some men, who suffer from impotence, are in need of specialized testing, and this is where specific advanced ED tests are carried out.

Are You A Sufferer Of Erectile Dysfunction?

If you are suffering from ED, then you can be sure that you are not alone. In the year 1995, research studies revealed that more than 150 million men all over the world, India included, suffered from ED. What is even more shocking is that by the year 2025, this figure was projected to hit 320 million. Are you aware that around 5% of the men who are in the age group of 40 have total male impotence? Shocking? But true! Research has revealed this information. Worse still, this number increases and approximately 15% of men in the age group of 70 suffer from ED.

As you have seen, there are many reasons why you could be suffering from impotency. But, what is very important for you to understand is this – no matter what may be the cause of your impotence, it can be dealt with.

Erectile Dysfunction Myths

There are a great number of myths that surround ED, such as:
  • Once you have ED, you can do nothing about it. You have to live the rest of your life being impotent.
  • Impotence is just a part of you getting old, and you have to get used to it.
  • If you are young, you cannot be impotent.
  • ED is not at all dangerous.
  • You are just not attracted to your partner that is why you are impotent.
BUT – Have not a shred of doubt about it. Whatever the cause of your impotence, you need not suffer. This is for the proven fact that millions of men all over the globe suffer from this very same issue – and they have been treated for this. And they are now enjoying a great sex life – perhaps even better than the sex life they had before they suffered from impotence!

Have No Doubt about It

There are so many reasons why you could have erectile dysfunction. For you, it might be as simple as you having to do some erectile dysfunction exercises. For other men, it could be just that they need to lose weight. For other men, to get rid of their impotence, all they would require is to be treated with some medications to cure their ED. There are also foods for erectile dysfunction, which are of great help in treating this problem.

Besides the above, there are also so many other options available to you if you are suffering from ED, and you are desperate to find a cure to this nagging problem. One thing you can be sure of, there are many therapies and solutions available to treat ED. As such, when you are impotent, you do not have to suffer, you can find the solution to treat your erectile dysfunction, and of this you can be very sure!


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